Sunday, November 24, 2013

i see stars...

although stars equate to structural issues, i do like the look of them (please ignore that each of them are pointing different ways; in the end, they will conform).  they make a house look 'not so perfect' which is what i appreciate.    

i am loving the black windows! once the brick & marble is power washed...they will be a 'mini-me' brownstone.  the windows are to be the design focal point of 412, inside & out.  they cost a pretty penny but everything else will be simple to bring out their beauty.

p.s. construction permit was approved!... without having to meet with the neighborhood.  i pleaded my case with the zoning reviewer (basically, that i wasn't increasing 412's print; just constructing it safer and that the zoning map had the additional space not on my deed as mine).  i still have the real estate lawyer on retainer to correct the mistake.

going forward, 412 riverside will be more exciting with before & after photos!  please keep checking in.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

shot down...

it turns out the entirety of my yard is NOT included on my deed...yes, NOT included.  not just a small portion, but about 28".  it was discovered by the architect when creating the site plans for zoning.  however, we never thought it would affect the construction permit approval. we thought wrong.  because zoning thinks my yard is smaller, according to the deed, they denied the permit for the kitchen extending 8" too far and the open space ratio does not conform to zoning guidelines.

a real estate lawyer has been retained and an appeal has been filed. it's a race who will get me my permit first.  the real estate lawyer believes there is no doubt that the 'missing' parcel is mine since the City map has it as mine... it is just the long process of including it on my deed which can take months & money.

as for the appeal, i am scheduled on the calendar to present to the fna on dec. 3rd & then I will need to present to the fishtown community on jan.14th.  hopefully, i made a lot of friends in fishtown.  

on the positive side (because you can't let the negativity pull you down), the front windows are in, the master & 3rd fl bedroom have been framed, & the bathroom & dining room brick walls have been exposed!  some progress.

3rd floor bathroom

master bath exposed brick

black window