Monday, July 15, 2013

enters the 203k specialist...

my mortgage guy, joel slutsky, sent me a list of 203k specialists.  paul jainitis was the 3rd person i called on the list (the other's phone #'s were out of order...not surprised).  of course,  i was put off at first because  he answered 'hello' & i was expecting 'paul jainitis, 203k specialist'...(my friends will understand).  anyway, he was very nice and explained his role in the process.  paul gave me advice before i hired him and also jumped through hoops to move this process forward.

paul's role as a 203k specialist is to protect the buyer and the mortgage company (or gov't b/c it is fha backed...not sure).  in simplicity, he keeps the contractor honest.  i met paul last week at 412 on a hot humid evening (perfect day for walking through 412 that hasn't been occupied in years and closed windows...ugh!).

he begins by asking me what i want do with the front of the house and it continues for each room...'hardwood or tile?, sheet rock, plaster, or exposed brick?, move the door?, add windows?'....i felt as though i was on a reality show that designs your house in an episode!

paul had some good ideas & although i wasn't sure about details of certain rooms, he assured me what was decided that day wasn't set in stone...phew!

for those really interested in the 203k process, paul takes the info from the walk-thru and creates a bid sheet.  he estimates the costs of the work and then he gives the same sheet without pricing to the contractor who then fills in his estimates.  this is where 412 is now....stay tuned for results.

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